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Seven Tips to Organise Your Job Search – Resume Masters I Resume Services

UncategorizedSeven Tips to Organise Your Job Search

August 11, 2020by Admin
filing system

You will likely lose count of the number of jobs that you apply for during your job search so getting organised from the start makes a lot of sense if you want to keep track of it all.

#1 – Treat your job search like a job:

If you want to maximise your job searching, then treat it like a job. Set aside a workspace where you can focus and research job vacancies, update your resume and send out applications. You’ll be more productive if you have a dedicated work area that is ready to use.

#2 – Make a schedule: 

Schedule some time in your calendar every day to research advertised job vacancies, update and submit your resume, cover letters and applications. Make sure that you respond to emails and phone calls from potential employers as soon as possible.

#3 – Use tools and apps to help plan and organise your job search activities:

There are a number of tools, and applications to help you with your planning. Some examples are:

  • Use Excel or Word to track who and when you have sent applications to.
  • Set up reminders in your calendar on your mobile and/or PC to follow up employers about applications or for interviews. Synch your calendar across devices to always be in the know.
  • Check out what mobile apps are available to help keep you on top of your job search.
  • Some job search websites offer built-in tools to help you keep track of your applications e.g. SEEK.

#4 – Set up a filing system for your job applications: 

For every job application you will need to tailor your resume, cover letter and other documents to the role requirements. To keep track of all your tailored documents as well as any other useful information that you have acquired about the role:

  • Set up folders for each application on your computer.
  • Name your folders by employer, company or role title. This will make them easier to find. Keep multiple roles for the same employer in lower level folders.
  • File your tailored application with the job ad and any research you’ve done on the employer.

#5 – Manage your emails:

Most of your communication with employers or recruiters these days will be by email. It is very important that you read and respond to emails as soon as they arrive. Make a folder in your email account and keep your job search emails separate from your day-to-day emails. This will make sure you don’t miss anything. If you are up to it you can even setup some rules in your email program to automatically file new emails to the relevant folder based on the sender’s email address.

#6 – Make sure that the email address you use for your job search sounds professional. looks a lot more professional than . If you need to add a number to your name in order to make it unique try and make it something that you will remember easily.

#7 – Be ready for requests for more information, interviews or a job offer:

Be prepared when an employer or recruiter asks you for further information. Set up a folder on your computer for important documents such as qualifications, bank account details, tax file number, ABN, etc.

What about your interview clothes? Always have your interview clothes clean and ironed. This way you will be ready to attend an interview (even if it’s via Zoom or Skype) in case you are given short notice.

Are you struggling to put together a professional resume, application letter or responses to targeted questions ? Contact us at Resume Masters to find out about our professional career services.


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