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Why hire a professional resume writer when you can write one yourself? – Resume Masters I Resume Services

UncategorizedWhy hire a professional resume writer when you can write one yourself?

December 2, 2019by Admin

Or can you?

Many people think that they MUST be the best person to write their own resume. After all, who knows you better than yourself? Who cares more about you being successful?

For some people, this is true.

If you are clear about your knowledge and skills, are a great writer and self-promoter, have done your research to know what skills/experience/qualities potential employers are looking for (including the keywords to use), and are applying for the same type of work that you have been doing, it may be possible to write your own effective resume.

Unfortunately, some people don’t view themselves objectively. Some simply don’t have the expertise to craft a powerful marketing document. That’s fine because there’s a lot involved, especially if you want to get noticed.

Further complicating the task is the fact that you may be making a career change or looking for a promotion. You could be returning to work after a gap in employment or you may just not have the time available to invest in doing it right. Maybe you consider that it would be more productive to spend your time on other job search activities. If this sounds like you, it makes sense to reach out to a professional to write your resume.

We help people all the time who underestimate their skills and experience. So many people don’t realise what their skills are, so how can they expect to document them, let alone do it effectively in a way that appeals to a potential employer and makes them stand apart from other applicants?

You need to know exactly what you have to offer, clearly communicate it in a way that shows you are suitable for the position, and make it easy for the employer to see why you are worth interviewing. That’s why it makes sense to hire a professional.

We know what questions to ask to draw out your full range of skills. We understand the labour market and have the expertise to create powerful marketing documents.

If you have been submitting your resume and not getting to an interview, maybe it’s time to try a different approach.

It is worth investing in a professional resume writer to write your next resume. Helping people to succeed is our passion. Contact us to discuss how the process works. We would love to be part of marketing YOU.

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Connecting at the Interview by Using Body Language